Lingoda Team

This article was produced by one of the in-house Lingoda writers.

Latest posts by Lingoda Team


Jun 26, 2024

What’s the best way to learn Italian?

A German novelist, Thomas Mann, described Italian as the most beautiful language in the world. If you are interested in...

Students who experienced life-changing language wins with Lingoda

Dec 20, 2023

Experience life-changing language wins with Lingoda in 2024

As the year draws to a close and we prepare to welcome 2024, you might be setting up new goals...

Banner in Lingoda branding saying

Dec 19, 2023

A year in review: Lingoda’s Wrap-Up feature to highlight your language milestones

Every end of the year is a time to look back. As you reflect on your language learning achievements, let...

Young smiling woman looking at her smartphone

Nov 09, 2023

Harnessing the Power of GenAI: The Future of EdTech at Lingoda

The world of EdTech has been no stranger to technology revolutions. We’ve witnessed profound shifts, from the rise of the...

Lingoda's new My Classes and Today page

Sep 21, 2022

New Lingoda features: The Today page, the new My classes and Lesson page!

We often hear from new users that they’re not sure if they’re using Lingoda the ‘correct’ way. We wanted to...

A girl with a beret sitting on a wall in front of the Eiffel power like Emily in paris

Jan 06, 2022

If only Alfie from “Emily in Paris” used Lingoda

Emily (played by actress Lily Collins) is once again taking Paris by storm in season 2 of the popular Netflix...

Leah sharing her story as successful sprinter

Sep 17, 2021

Why take the Lingoda Sprint? Find out in this interview with a successful sprinter

Why should you join the Lingoda Sprint? Who could answer this question better than someone who has successfully finished it?...

SMiling woman holding a phone, review icons in the background

Sep 06, 2021

Lingoda Sprint reviews – or why you should learn with us!

Joining a Lingoda Sprint™ is fun, rewarding and worthwhile. And most importantly, our sprinters became more fluent in the language...

man googling is lingoda a scam

Mar 24, 2021

Is Lingoda a scam?

A few people have been confused by the Lingoda payments system, and so we caught up with our resident Russian,...

Una mujer con una tableta se prepara para el sprint de lingoda

Mar 23, 2021

10 ways to prepare for the Language Sprint

Why is the Lingoda Language Marathon Challenge like running a real marathon? Here’s some valuable advice from our language (and...

Lingoda Scholarship Programme winners

Feb 26, 2021

The winners of the Lingoda Language Scholarship Programme are announced!

In late 2020, Lingoda launched the Lingoda Language Scholarship. The programme is aimed specifically at supporting people whose careers have...

Young woman up close thinking about English language facts

Feb 17, 2021

30 fun facts about the English language

The English language is as fascinating as it is popular and obviously has its own history and quirks. Instead of...