Career topics for German learners

woman leaving work after handing her notice in

Apr 19, 2021

Notice periods explained in the UK, the US, and Germany

When you’re looking for a job in a new country, you might not be up to speed with all the...

freelancer looking up How to get Krankentagegeld as a freelancer in Germany

Apr 18, 2021

How to get Krankentagegeld as a freelancer in Germany

With more freedom often comes more responsibility. And by responsibility, I also mean being prepared when you get sick as...

German couple on holiday

Apr 13, 2021

All about holiday pay in Germany

Who doesn’t love a refreshing holiday? Wind-blown hair, thirst-quenching beer, and many OMG this-is-amazing moments. When you hear this, I...

a tam of marketers working towards their marketing manager qualification

Mar 09, 2021

How to become a marketing manager in Germany

Have you ever thought about becoming a marketing manager? Marketing management is a challenging, exciting and creative field that’s always...

woman checking her work contract in germany and signing to start work

Mar 08, 2021

German vocabulary you need to know to understand work contracts in Germany

Congrats! You landed your dream job in Germany. Now, the only thing that’s left is to sign your contract.  Contracts...

freelancer in Germany checking out The best banks for freelancers in Germany

Mar 07, 2021

The best banks for freelancers in Germany

Freelancers tend to work flexible hours and liberally mix their business and leisure time. All too often, the same goes...

freelance workers at a networking event to get jobs

Mar 06, 2021

The most successful types of freelance jobs in Germany

Working as a freelancer is the perfect setup if you enjoy working on varied projects, taking control of your time,...

woman googling How to do your taxes as a freelancer in Germany

Mar 04, 2021

How to do your taxes as a freelancer in Germany

Only three things in life are certain: death, taxes and German bureaucracy. Germany’s pride and joy is their bureaucracy, and...

friends researching how to become a product manager in germany

Mar 03, 2021

How to become a product manager in Germany

It seems like everyone is talking about product manager jobs these days; maybe you’re interested in becoming one yourself. After...

female freelancer who is smiling as she has secured new clients

Mar 03, 2021

How to get clients as a freelance writer in Germany

Jakob contributes to the Lingoda blog as a freelance writer. He also writes for an ever changing list of other...

Freelance, platform.,Pretty,Young,Woman,Using,Laptop,In,Cafe,On

Mar 02, 2021

7 freelance platforms to find work in Germany

I’m just going to come out and say it: freelancing is not a walk in the park. You probably ask...

friends researching if you need a master's degree to work in germany

Mar 02, 2021

Do you really need a master’s degree to work in Germany?

Germany is widely known for attracting many international workers due to the massive demand and growth of highly-specialised industries like...