Learning materials for English learners

Graduate students listening to a graduation speech

Nov 24, 2022

6 tips to write a great graduation speech (with examples) 

Being chosen to write a speech for a graduation ceremony is exciting, but also utterly terrifying, for many people. It’s...

Girl with her car, talking with 90s slang words

Nov 24, 2022

90s slang words: 11 expressions you should know

The 90s was a pretty memorable time. Dial-up internet was making its way into many homes, Doc Martens were on...

Woman wondering what is the best time to learn a language

Nov 24, 2022

The best time to learn a language

If you’ve been interested in languages for any amount of time, you’ve probably heard that the best time to learn...

Young man learning as vs. because vs. since

Nov 21, 2022

As vs. because vs. since vs. for: When to use these causal conjunctions

As vs. because vs. since: These are all part of a group of words called causal conjunctions. Their job is...

Elegant woman dressed in 1029s style with an old telephone using slang terms

Nov 18, 2022

The 13 very best 1920s slang terms

The roaring twenties were a time of artistic and cultural experimentation. Between the catastrophes of the First World War and...

Young Asian woman with her laptop and ad studying the differences between it vs. this

Nov 18, 2022

It vs. this: When to use which?

A really tricky problem for many English learners is knowing when to use it vs. this. The main difference is...

Woman learning how to change her accent

Nov 18, 2022

Can you change your accent?

Can you change your accent to sound like a native English speaker? That’s a big question among English learners. There’s...

Man sitting at his laptop holding his phone studying with an English pronoun chart

Nov 15, 2022

How to use an English pronouns chart to speak more clearly

One of the best tools you can add to your toolbox when practicing English is an English pronouns chart. But...

Friends looking at how language was created

Nov 10, 2022

How language was created: 7 fascinating theories

Have you ever wondered how language was created?  Human language has been around for roughly 150,000 to 200,000 years, and...

Young woman thinking about inspirational words in other languages

Nov 10, 2022

25 inspirational words in other languages

There’s no question that English is a language full of useful expressions, interesting idioms and fun slang words.    But there...

Group of friends by the beach speaking in the Welsh accent

Nov 08, 2022

What does the Welsh accent sound like?

A Welsh accent is often described as being a sing-song accent, and it’s instantly recognizable to people from other parts...

Young African woman sitting in front of a laptop reading about homophones

Nov 03, 2022

What are homophones? Learn to write right

Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Homophones usually come in pairs...