Learning materials for Spanish learners


Feb 27, 2024

A quick lesson on asking and giving Spanish directions

Knowing how to ask for and give directions in Spanish can be a lifesaver. Whether your GPS doesn’t work or...

Spanish words with ‘ñ’: Everything you need to know

Feb 26, 2024

Spanish words with ‘ñ’: Everything you need to know

When we begin learning Spanish, we may get confused with all those Spanish words with the letter “ñ”. However, knowing...

Business Spanish: The benefits and key vocabulary

Feb 26, 2024

Business Spanish: The benefits and key vocabulary

Spanish is among the top-five most spoken languages worldwide, and trust us, adding business Spanish to your resume can significantly...

A short guide to Guatemalan Spanish

Feb 21, 2024

A short guide to Guatemalan Spanish

Guatemalan Spanish is known throughout Latin America as one of the most phonetically neutral variants of the language. Why? Because...

Exploring Dominican Spanish: Accent, grammar and more

Feb 20, 2024

Exploring Dominican Spanish: Accent, grammar and more

Spanish ranks among the world’s most spoken languages. Its wide geographical distribution has promoted the rise of diverse variants, a...

Boost your vocabulary: Professions in Spanish

Jan 31, 2024

Boost your vocabulary: Professions in Spanish

Knowing how to talk about professions in Spanish is key if we’re aiming to reach fluency. This is true whether...

7 resources to boost your Spanish reading practice

Jan 31, 2024

7 resources to boost your Spanish reading practice

When learning a new language, it’s tempting to focus mostly on speaking and listening skills. But a consistent Spanish reading...

‘También’ vs. ‘tampoco’: What’s the difference?

Jan 30, 2024

‘También’ vs. ‘tampoco’: What’s the difference?

Learning the difference between the words también vs. tampoco (also vs. neither) and how to use them is an essential...

Young woman at her laptop with a coffee studying the contractions in Spanish

Dec 01, 2023

A simple lesson on contractions in Spanish

If you’re starting to learn Spanish, there may come a point where you ask yourself: Are there contractions in Spanish?...

Cheerful woman sitting on her couch with a laptop studying the most essential Spanish abbreviations

Dec 01, 2023

Essential abbreviations in Spanish and how to use them

Fluency in Spanish (or any other foreign language) means knowing how to get your thoughts across quickly and efficiently. Learning...

Group of three friends practicing the Spanish diminutive

Dec 01, 2023

Spanish diminutives: An essential guide

One of the beautiful things about language is that we can enrich it with nuance. Spanish diminutives are a great...

The best Spanish-language movies on Hulu

Nov 15, 2023

The best Spanish-language movies on Hulu

Are you looking for Spanish-language movies on Hulu to help you watch your way to Spanish fluency? You’re not the...