by Jakob Straub
Updated on January 8, 2024
The weather is always a safe topic in conversation and small talk. Germany is no exception: people like to talk about the weather. Asking weather-related questions and being able to understand the answers is also useful to know what to wear in every season and how to plan your outdoor activities. We’ll introduce you to common German weather words and expression!
Questions about “das Wetter” (the weather) are straightforward in German. While Germans will ask about the current situation outside, they’re just as much concerned with the future outlook. It’s important to them to know the weather forecast, “die Wettervorhersage”!
Answering weather-related questions in German is often possible with a simple statement. Similarly to telling the time in German, you can say “Es ist…” (It is… ) followed by the appropriate adjective:
Of course, instead of describing the weather with an adjective, you can make short statements with a verb. Note that instead of using the progressive as in English (It’s raining), German employs the simple present: “Es regnet.” (It rains).
In Germany, you’ll definitely experience the four seasons in full swing, and each of them will bring distinct weather conditions. The following vocabulary list will not only help you talk about the climate, seasons and weather conditions in German, it also enables you to better understand the forecast.
Frühling, Sommer, Herbst, Winter | spring, summer, fall, winter |
die Sonne | sun |
der Regen / Nieselregen / Schneeregen | rain / drizzle / sleet |
der Schnee | snow |
der Blitz | lightning |
der Donner | thunder |
der Hagel | hail |
der Regenbogen | rainbow |
die Wolke | cloud |
der Wind / der Sturm | wind / storm |
der Himmel | sky |
der Niederschlag | precipitation |
die Tageshöchsttemperatur / die Tagestiefsttemperatur | daily maximum temperature /daily low temperature |
die Windgeschwindigkeit | wind speed |
das Glatteis | black ice |
der Frost | frost |
das Tauwetter | thaw |
der Gefrierpunkt | freezing point |
die Temperatur | temperature |
Of course, the Germans are happy when the sun is shining and pleasant weather generally lifts the mood and makes everyone and everything more agreeable. But complaining about the weather is just as delightful! Here’s how you express comfort or discomfort in regard to temperatures or the weather:
Mist in the sense of haze is “Dunst” in German. Although the word “Mist” is used to talk about the weather (see above), it’s one of the many false friends in German and English.
Beware that German uses the “Dativ” (dative) to express how a certain temperature feels to you. The dative pronoun such as “mir” or “dir” (to me, to you) is followed by a statement with an adjective: “Mir ist warm” means “It is warm to me.” Using the wrong case could result in a declaration of desire: “Du bist heiß” is the literal translation of “you’re hot” in the sense of “you’re attractive”.If that is indeed the route you want the conversation to take, talking about the weather is only a starter: take a look at these flirty German phrases if you want to learn how to make eyes at someone!