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How to say Happy New Year in French
What’s the difference between “do” and “make”?
What language do they speak in Jamaica?
German Unity Day: Everything you need to know about Germany’s national holiday
Traditional German food: 19 amazing dishes you need to try
What language do they speak in Singapore?
Spanish past tense conjugation for storytelling
What language do Scottish people speak?
13 ways to say you are welcome in French
Valentine’s day in France: Traditions, celebrations and vocabulary
The best 7 riddles in French: Learn the language while having fun
Learn how to text with these 10 French slang abbreviations
A quick guide to the TV and radio tax in Germany
Prost! Learn the major types of German beer
6 ways to say Merry Christmas in German
What are anglicisms? Hearing English abroad
5 popular styles of French architecture
Me, myself and I: Learn the proper way to use these English pronouns
8 fun ideas on how to learn Swiss German
How to say happy Easter in French (plus other Easter traditions)
French flowers: Useful vocabulary and expressions
Tips on how to rent an apartment in France
6 tips on how to write an essay in English
Essential essay words you need to start using
Everything you need to know about slang words’ origins
63 ESL conversation questions that will get everyone talking
Build your skills with a language learning forum
13 of the most common blended words in English
7 tips for writing business essays
Words of endearment to call your loved ones in English
The five top German architects
Can Dutch and German speakers understand each other?
8 types of German short stories for beginners
What is the perfect tense in German?
The 5 greatest German rock bands of all time
6 things you need to know about the German lifestyle
What are collective nouns?
Shall vs should: How to decide
4 tips for talking on the phone in English
Expressions for time in English: talking about the past, present, and future
13 New Zealand slang words you need to know
New Lingoda features: The Today page, the new My classes and Lesson page!
6 fairy tales to improve your English
German double s and eszett
9 ways to say happy birthday in German
What is the simple future tense in English? A quick guide
What are auxiliary verbs? A guide to these helpful English words
A quick guide to opening a bank account in Germany
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