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Work online, anytime, anywhere
Small group classes with adult students
Expert-designed materials at your disposal
If you love languages, have experience teaching and have a minimum C2-level in your target language, then teaching with Lingoda is for you.
To become a teacher with us you need to have:
Lingoda classes are taught on Zoom – an online conferencing platform. Therefore you will need a high speed internet connection, camera and a high quality headset.
All teachers work with Lingoda on a freelance basis – you must be legally able to do so.
You need to feel comfortable speaking English.
The beauty of Lingoda is that you can book both long-term (months in advance) and short-term (hours in advance). This allows you to have a completely flexible and spontaneous schedule.
No, all our teachers work with us on a freelancer basis, meaning we support a busy lifestyle. The average Lingoda teacher teaches approximately 5-20 hours per week – but your own timing is entirely up to you.
This can all happen in one week!
Our customer service is there to answer any questions you may have.